born october 15th, 2010
4:11 pm
7 pounds 20 1/4 in.
little leland,
you are now a week old. daddy and i have already fallen completely in love with you. in fact, we fell in love from the moment you took your first breath in this world. you are precious, and we are so grateful that God has given you to us.
before you were born, i was a little scared on how i would raise a boy in this crazy world…how i would teach you the ways of the Lord, how to obey, and how to stay away from the impurities of this generation. i felt incapable and inadequate of caring for such a small, tiny person. but now, as i see your little face, hear your little coos and squeaks, and as i look at your little smiling face…all of that fear seems to fade away. i have already decided to trust Jesus in raising you. you are a child of God, leland, and He has promised to look after His children. He has promised us peace and joy if we simply rest in Him.
daddy and i want to be an example of love to you, always. we want to show you what it means to truly love Jesus. you might not know what that means for a long time, but we want you to see it every day. we want to teach you and guard your heart so that one day, you too will show others what Jesus’ love looks like and what it means to follow Him.
you are a gift to me, leland, and you are changing the way i see things. you are one of the most blessed things that has happened in my life. but do me one favor, please don’t grow up too quickly. i want to treasure each moment that i have seeing you grow.
i love you.
Chanin says
You and Jay are such a great inspiration for many including me. I love you guys!!!
Mimi says
Precious Moments –
Reading your heartfelt words to Leland I realize you will never know how much it blesses my heart. But you are finding that the heart of a mother loves unconditionally and purely. – A beautiful letter to my great-grandson, who is blessed to have you and Jay as his parents. God always knows what He is doing better than we can imagine! Enjoy your precious gift, my Precious Moments.
Grant Marshall says
Warren Baldwin says
Congratulations. And what a wonderful purpose statement to make to your young son from you and your husband.