i want to encourage you today. wherever you are, if it’s glorifying Christ…keep going. lately i’ve been fighting against some rejection and negative thinking and i’ve realized…it’s not worth it. why spend my time focusing on the negative? why spend precious thoughts on people i can’t change, situations i can’t change, and some things in life that i just can’t change? however, i can change my thinking. i can change my outlook and keep pressing on.
whether you have had some setbacks, some different outcomes, or changes in life- God knows what He is doing even when we don’t. don’t give up and don’t give in to fear- keep going. what have you got to lose? i have thrown in the towel and given up the thoughts and opinions of others that used to drag me down. i ran around too long caring about what others thought of me that i didn’t take chances or any risks. now, i’m learning to take those risks for the glory of God. if i fail, i do. if someone surpasses me, so they do. if it’s not what i expected…it is what it is. but His love for you and i does not change. doing something is better than doing nothing at all…
“and the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.”
joyce m.
hope you are having a beautiful sunday!
Nicole says
what beautiful encouragement. it’s so easy to get caught up in negative feelings and the “i can’t do it” attitude comes out. but when we turn around and let God have control, it’s smooth sailing. thank you for this post :)
arielle says
i definitely agree :) thank you for the encouragement nicole!
Krysten says
Hope you’re having a wonderful day Arielle!
Branson says
I love the quote in this photo. I have been having some similar struggles lately. It is so ready to get pulled down by the world. Thanks for your reminder to let all that go today. Be blessed, friend :)
jenni-austria-germany says
ahhh that last quote. inspiring in an inconvenient kind of way. ;) just what i needed to hear, i suppose….
Christina says
I am trying to take on the same attitude. It is difficult when people let you down or try to bring you down, but we must remain faithful that the Lord if just preparing us for something greater!
arielle says
definitely agree! have a great week christina :)
Danica says
I’m so glad you posted this Arielle! We found out that Stephen needs surgery in his small intestine as soon as possible and we are both pretty scared. Thinking in the negative and wondering why….when all we need is to continue to find hope in Christ. :) Thanks for the encouragements!
arielle says
oh wow, i hope that is his surgery goes well! amen! our hope is in Christ :)
bless you danica!
kelly ann says
I seriously read this with tears in my eyes, it was just what I needed to hear after such a tough week. Thank you so much, Arielle, God used you in my life today – I’m grateful. :)
arielle says
thanks for the encouragement lovely <3 it is so appreciated...i've had a tough week as well.
i hope you have a much, much better week ;)
wishcake says
Thank you for being so lovely. This is exactly what I needed to hear! I’ve been awfully overwhelmed and frustrated lately…I need to remember that in the moments I feel out of control, it’s okay. Because I’m not the one calling all the shots. God is.
Love the photo, love the quote, adore you.
arielle says
that is so true. thank you kerri :) what an encouragement.
i hope that you have a beautiful & blessed week….
My Beautiful Life says
Thanks for the encouragement, Arielle. You are right-it is our outlook that we have control over.
For these trials and discouragements when you feel like quitting, here’s a good reminder:
Consider it wholly joyful my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations.
**Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be people perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing. …(12) Blessed (happy to be envied) is the man who is patient under trials and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor’s] crown of life which God has promised to those who love him.**
James 1:2-4, and 12.
Much love,
arielle says
thank you so much. i love those verses in james…i think i’m going to read through them a couple of times tonight. thank you for the encouragement, it is a blessing to me!
much love, arielle
kelly says
Thank you for this post! The words hit home for me in ways that are difficult to explain. Thank you. Blessings to you. Your blog is a blessing to me. ;-)
arielle says
thank you for the encouragement kelly…definitely a blessing!
becca says
gosh, needed those words of encouragement. I feel like many of your posts are divinely inspired for your readers. Thank you!
arielle says
thank you becca! hope you have a beautiful week…
Emily says
Definitely encouraging. I’ve been actively fighting negativity myself and thankfully w/God (and that’s the only reason) I’ve been able to overcome it and keep focusing on the positives of everything.
Moriah says
Wow! This was such an uplifting post, Arielle. I needed that. Thanks for posting! :)
Natalie @ NS Pottery says
Thank you for this, friend!
Katie @ reflectiveArtlet says
Your posts are always so encouraging, Arielle. That quote in the picture is a good one for sure.
I’m glad you’re finding ways to change your thinking and press on. Thanks for the encouragement!
arielle says
thank you katie! hope you have a great week :)
leigh says
Yay. Thank you so much for the inspiration & encouragement.
So very true!
<3 leigh
Jess says
Thanks for the encouragement, Arielle! I hope you are encouraged, too, no matter what attacks the enemy brings against you. God definitely knows what He’s doing, even though don’t always understand. This reminds me of a verse that I looked up today –
“Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things.” – Ecclesiastes 11:5
Praying for you,
arielle says
thank you jess :) love the verse in ecclesiastes!
Jessica Bussell says
thank you friend…i needed to read this. i’m praying for you.
arielle says
thank you jessica :)
chetreanna says
thank you soo soo much! I have had some setbacks at work (like always) but God loves me nonetheless and I get so upset because this amazing King and Father of ours loves me despite how stupid I can be and all I want is to please HIM 100percent of the time perfectly but I fall short. His grace is SUPPOSED to be sufficient for me but I get int this weird way where I just won’t let GRACE be enough.
phew. That was a lot of typing.
thank you arielle!! LOVE YA!
arielle says
i agree ….. i say His grace is sufficient for me, but when tough times come, am i really living it? so true cheche!
hope you have a great week girl! <3
Kristina says
This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you so much!
Kristin says
I struggle with things like this… it’s been something I’ve really had to learn to deal with. God’s shown me, through varying circumstances, that fear of failure is a poor excuse to not do; that when you’re willing to move for Him, He’ll do great things; and that when you do fall or fail in some way (or just feel discouraged) that you need to keep moving forward. It’s difficult, but so worth it. I’m glad you’re pushing past whatever was bothering you. Keeping going, lovely. You’re on the right path. :)
arielle says
i definitely agree :)
Ashley says
So true. Absolutely beautiful post.
I’ve run into some setbacks lately, but I had to push through it and look at it as nothing more than a fleeting moment. Another door opened and every little thing will be okay. :]
arielle says
so true :) many blessings!
Gelai says
Thank you so much for the encouragement! This is what I really need! :) God bless you!
Jessica Zigenis says
Thank you for the encouragement. This was just what I needed to hear. : )
Monica Locke says
I have been right where you have been…lately! Your words encouraged me. We must never give up:) The enemy would so love it if we did…discouragement is the enemy’s tool, anyway. Thanks for sharing.
arielle says
so, so true! many blessings :)
Kristi says
Thank you for this. Definitely something that I needed to hear. :)
Emily says
*sigh* this is JUST what i needed to read right now. i was crying all night and all day about a situation i just can’t change. it’s really not even that serious a situation, just me being selfish i guess. less of me, more of HIM.
Alycia Crowley says
beautiful post :) Thanks for sharing!
terra says
Worry about others……..But not about what they think……I struggle with that sometimes too…..The thoughts of others are not important…….But your thoughts of others and how you handle their way of “Getting to you” are…..Tommy always says to me when i am upset….”Quiet Gentle Spirit…..Terra….Let it Go” tis a good saying………Love ya gal……Terra …..aka..lol MaGe
Tereza says
been browsing through your blog, and your photos are amazing!
arielle says
thank you tereza!
rtqmnguqxb says
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?