when we took a roadtrip to tennessee and went to nashville a couple weeks ago, i brought my camera along and took a few pictures. i love nashville but i especially love franklin…it is such a cute town! we stopped by some old plantations which were absolutely beautiful. it is definitely a lovely area & i always love visiting…
…..iveycake. these make the best cupcakes..they look too good to eat and are soo delicious.
…my favorite store in franklin. love going into this place and their clothes are awesome. not to mention, they play worship music in the store and support some great charities.
found this dirt road lined with trees at one of the plantations and just had to take a few pictures ;)
have a wonderful weekend!
p.s. thank you so much for the kind and encouraging comments from my last post :)
this is so beautiful, arielle! my favorites are the one of your little man :) xo/simi
Such beautiful pictures. I love old dirt roads. :)
Love your boots!! :-) Looks like a fun trip. Nashville is such a nice city!
Sorry, the last anonymous comment was from me! I accidentally hit enter before I added my info :-)
Love your cheesy grin toward the end. I’m pretty sure I’d love that dirt road there. So pretty and the history, how cool is that!? I think Franklin needs to go on my ‘visit’ list.
Emily at Amazing Grapes
you really are insanely gorgeous. the colors of these photos are perfect. so autumn-y. inspiring.
I love the simple country road photos….nothing fancy, just simple beauty. and a gorgeous family. :)
I could ‘study’ your photos all day!
How cute – love the pictures of your boy playing with a stick
Ah, Franklin! Love that place. :) I’m glad you guys got to go have a little time away! Looks like it was a good trip! (Hope The Fix was good, too, but I’m sure we’ll chat about that a bit on Tuesday. hehe)
Your photos are just so beautiful Arielle x So pure & they always make me feel so inspired :) I can always see Jesus in them.
Have a blessed day!
Vivi xx
I like your outfit! It sounds like you had a wonderful trip! My husband and I honeymooned in Tennessee and loved it!
We go to Franklin a lot we have family there. It is just an amazing little town.
Um… you are all too cute for words! I want to go on a road trip now, super badly.
What kind of camera do you use?
Beautiful photos! I love the dirt road. Those cup cakes do look too good to eat! :)
I LOVE your blog, your pictures & the way you think! love it. Thank you for sharing this song today!
What gorgeous photos! That little son of yours is a serious cutey.
Aw, these are so sweet! I love the second one of you and little Leland cheezin!
It is so nice to know there are young people of faith in our world doing good. Keep up God’s work. I have a passion for photography as well. I enjoyed your photos. Your little boy is so cute!
WHERE is your gorgeous dress from?! lovelovelove
WHERE did you get that gorgeous dress?! love it love it love IT
Franklin is the best! That’s precisely where I live. :) Adore these photos. <3
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