today it’s going to get to almost 80 degrees and boy, does it give me spring fever! so, so excited for warmer weather. i am definitely looking forward to spring. some things that we’ve been up to…..
….last week we went to jasmine star’s the fix in nashville. speaking of nashville (franklin area)….i love it!! and would so love to move there one day. maybe, possibly. for now i’ll be thankful where i’m at ;)
…leland is constantly pointing to everything saying “was dat” over and over and…over. he’s learning new words, doing new things…what a cute age! i love it. i’ve been taking him to the park and letting him run everywhere to get his energy out (he has a lot of it!!)
…i’ve been thinking a lot about blogging lately and why i do it. obviously, it is a journal that is public but i mainly do it to keep thoughts, photos, and other things all together in one place. to write out things that encourage me, what i’m learning, things about my family. i don’t do it for an audience. i need to remember that. i forget sometimes that it is public and anyone can go on it, and it makes me hesitant sometimes to keep writing. but i will anyway :)
some other things that have been been on my heart…..
-learning that it’s ok to not always fit in.
-thankful for encouraging friends and family.
-booked a cabin for later this spring and cannot wait for a little vacation!
-updated and re-designed my website! still have images to add but it’s just about done.
-taking this quote to heart: “friends are for season, reason, or life.” and remembering not all friends are for life.
-loving dave barnes’ new album and christy knockel’s new single.
-also loving the chiffon maxi skirts at forever 21 that are soo cheap! love em.
if you’ve made it this far and read all of this, phew! that’s awesome. just a bunch of thoughts and ramblings in a mess of a post. much love!
Noelani says
I too, am trying to remember my sole purpose of blogging. That quote of friends is simply lovely, thanks for sharing :)
arielle says
thank you so much noelani! :)
Sarah says
Until you just listed it, I didn’t realize that some of the same things have been on my mind and in my heart also. That’s one of the things I find rewarding about blogging. I learn so much about myself through other women. I desperately need to reconfirm that I don’t blog for an audience either…although sometimes I find myself doing exactly that.
I hope you do continue…I really enjoy your blog!
Sounds like some wonderful things are happening around there…enjoy them all!
xo Sarah
arielle says
thank you so much sarah :) i loved reading your comment and was blessed by the encouragement! have a wonderful weekend!
~ Arielle
Chetreanna says
the update on your sons favorite new words was cute! ha ha. I have become a baby fevered woman. I love babies and cant stop praying for GOD to allow me to have one some day. its pretty weird. I don’t know where this came from but I’m confident GOD is the one behind it… so yeah, baby fever aNd VERY single. Sounds kinda sick. ha ha I’m glad your writing for yourself and nobody else. That is all that really matters :).
and i love reading your little memory caPture journal. It always is sweet and uplifting in someway..
arielle says
thank you so much chetreanna! i am always so blessed by your encouragement :) i think that is just so awesome that you are already praying for your future family! what a blessing. have a wonderful weekend dear!
Rebekah says
Arielle, I’m grateful that you blog. :) The world is so fully of ugliness and filth that it seems almost rare to find something wholesome and beautiful. Thanks for spreading goodness in the world; it does not go unnoticed nor is it unwelcome. I admire and am thankful for all who strive to make the world more beautiful. Also, that you delight in motherhood–nothing will ever compare to the work you do in your home. You and your little family are great! Have the best day ever. :)
arielle says
Thank you so, so much for your encouragement Rebekah! I truly appreciate it. Many blessings :)
Terra says
Recognize some of those buttons. Love it! One or two might have been missing off and old coat of mine. You’re so creative with little things….Love ya Terra
Kenna says
ramblings are the best though, aren’t they?
simply adore your blog.
arielle says
thank you so much kenna! have a great weekend :)
Heather says
That quote, “Friends are for seasons, reasons, or life” changed my life in the past year. It’s helped me in so many ways. It’s hard to accept that not everyone will be there forever, especially when you had high hopes and expectations that they would. What a great reminder that that can only be found in Jesus.
Victoria says
I got one of the forever 21 skirts! Such a steal! :)
Olivia says
Rambling posts are usually my favs, I love hearing what’s going on in your brain! We booked a cabin for Mother’s Day weekend and I am so stoked to sit in the middle of the woods with no distractions!! And please don’t stop blogging, I love this space you have created so much!!!
arielle says
Thank you so much for the encouragement Olivia :) Have a wonderful weekend!
melissa @ the pleated polka dot says
love that quote about friends. and i honestly cannot imagine you not fitting in somewhere. but it’s comforting to know i’m not the only one who has to tell myself- it’s okay if i don’t mesh with everyone and everything i encounter:))
the cabin sounds awesome! something to look forward to huh?
Emily says
The friends quote is so true and a much needed reminder.
How exciting to book a cabin. I’ve been really wanting to stay in a cabin for some strange reason. For now though, I’ll live vicariously through you. ;)
Emily at Amazing Grapes
arielle says
Thank you Emily! :)
Anonymous says
I bet Leland is so much fun to have around! What a gem. I bet he would love this little youtube channel I found for my niece- They are called the Polkadots and have fun music videos for him to sing and dance to!
Katie Glaser says
Your new website is as beautiful as your photos. Your set up at the bridal show was darling. So much is changing in the wedding photo business and I bet your booth was a breath of fresh air.
This week I heard someone speaking that said if you fit in then you aren’t really living a life for Jesus. So take heart and take pride in being “different”.
Hope you have a blessed weekend chasing that cutie around!
arielle says
Hi Katie!
Thank you so much for the encouragement, I truly appreciate it :) I hope that you and your sweet family are well! Have a great weekend!
Mary says
It’s Ok that your thoughts and photos are out there, it multiplies the beauty and the joy that others get from it! I feel the same way about sharing too much sometimes, but then I remember the kind comments and great people I have met through my photography and involvement online, and it makes it worthwhile to feel a little vulnerable sometimes.
Your blog is lovely, I am following you on bloglovin’!
arielle says
thank you so much mary! :)
ST says
Thank you so much for adding that Friends comment. It has literally just changed my life : )