pin: borrowed lark / print: emily p freeman
Last weekend I was able to attend the Influence Conference in Indianapolis! It fell on the same weekend of my mom, son, and sister’s birthday so I wasn’t able to stay for the whole thing. But what I did stay for (a day and a half) I loved! I am super shy so usually conferences and I don’t go too well together but this one was different. There were plenty of wonderful sessions (I was able to attend a few) and there were also meet ups, workshops, etc. Not to mention, I was able to meet some lovely people! For me, the conference just brought to mind again that we as followers of Christ can be of influence. Online and of course, offline. I feel like blogs can, in some way, bring attention to ourselves at times. My desire, and my hope is that Christ will be glorified in my life and through what I do. The conference was about influence in blogging but also in our day-to-day lives as well. It was such a great reminder for me to be bold, speak up, and honestly just be myself. It brings to mind 2 Corinthians 4:7 “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”
Next year, I hope to attend again and stay for the whole conference and not just a portion ;) If you’re interested, y’all should check out the Influence Conference website. Also, to read a little more about the conference you can go on Haley’s blog (there are tons of others who wrote about it as well!) xo!
Margaret says
So great meeting you Arielle! So glad you enjoyed your time and that we were able to connect. :) OH! and happy birthday to your little man!
arielle says
Hey Margaret! It was so nice meeting you as well….You are so kind! :) Keep in touch!!
jennifer blair says
Ah, I so wish I could have gone. Like you, I hope to go for the whole thing next year! I can’t image what it was like to be there. I was blessed by it from far away, so I know it must have been incredible!
arielle says
Yes, I think you would have really liked it!! Definitely worth going to! If you go next year, maybe we can be roommates ;)
Have a great day! :)
Kristin says
Yay! So glad you had a good time!! I may have to jump in on this next year… it looks like everyone who went really got something out of it.
Natalie @ NS Pottery says
Was that little print for sale in the market? I love it! So happy we got to spend some time together!!!
arielle says
Hey Natalie! The print was actually free in the market :) Oh, and I love my pink heart necklace- you are so gifted!
Kathleen says
So looking forward to following your blog now that I know we have a family tie :) Hope to get to know you better!
Kaylee@life chasers says
I want to go so badly next year! And um, where are your cardi and boots from ?!?
arielle says
It was wonderful! My boots are Dolce Vita Lujan and my cardigan is from Urban Outfitters :)
Have a great day!
Tamara says
Sounds lovely. I was suppose to go too but ended up not working out. I’m looking forward to next year!!!
Sarah says
I’m super shy, too! That’s one of the excuses I made for not going this year. But I’m not going to let it keep me away next year!
L says
WOW! How had I not found your gorgeous blog before!! Your pictures are amazing! =) Sad I didn’t know you before so that we could have met at the conference =)
Much Love!
annie says
i LOVE that verse you shared. that fits so appropriately with the entire message of the conference! i’m so glad i got to meet you while you were there!
Caley says
The conference looks and sounds amazing! Wish we had something similar in South Africa or that I could come join in too! You look amazing preggy mama x