how do you edit your pictures?
I want my pictures to look good in-camera that way i have to do as little as editing as possible. Less is more! It has taken some time to figure out my photography “style” and think it will always be evolving and I will always be trying my best to improve and learn. I want my images to be timeless and bright. I mainly use Photoshop, but I do use Lightroom a little here and there.
who designed your blog?
I did, with the help of Photoshop :)
you were married when you were 19. what was that like and what were the challenges you faced and lessons that you learned?
Honestly, I love being married so young. Of course being married young isn’t for everyone but it is where God lead us at the time. Our parents were fully supportive and we were grateful for that. if our parents would have been opposed to us getting married so young, we would have respected that. Our parents knew our hearts and our motivation behind getting married. We dated for six months and were engaged for six months. It had it’s challenges at the beginning (specifically with finances) but since we were young and not so set in our own ways, it was easier to adjust to married life than I had heard. I have learned that love really does take a lot of selflessness but it is so worth it. I feel like I’m just starting out on this journey and learning a lot…one tidbit advice I can give is to read Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas.
recommended reading:
authentic beauty: leslie ludy
don’t waste your life: john piper
who calls me beautiful: regina franklin
through gates of splendor: elisabeth elliot
no compromise: keith green
mission of motherhood: sally clarkson
sacred marriage: gary thomas
100 days of blessing: nancy campbell