since it is almost 2011 (can you believe it?!) i wanted to do a little list “few of my favorite things” of 2010.
new music: beta radio -if you like folk music, you will love them.
band: as usual, a mix of shane & shane and needtobreathe
album: brooke fraser “flags”-this cd was a lifesaver while i was at the hospital when leland was born. love it!
movie: sectretariat -i barely ever watch movies or tv but this one is just really, really good.
blogs: 10 million miles, bleubird vintage, farm revival, and oh, hello friend
book: mission of motherhood by sally clarkson -i’ve started re-reading this again. so good!
baby item: bumgenius organic diaper -so you may laugh, but i had to add this! i have tried all kinds and i know not many people cloth diaper or care for them but these, i have found, are wonderful.
home decor: design sponge –believe me, there are such good ideas on here!
store: modcloth -indie and vintage-inspired clothing. oh my.
hope you have a very blessed new year’s eve!
(i don’t usually do this sort of thing, but if you’d like to vote, click on the banner above! xo.)
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