happy monday! i can’t believe i’m posting twice within a day but we don’t always have internet at our house so, i’m going to take advantage of it while we do :) anywho, i’ve seen this quote on a couple of blogs, and really love it. it has stuck with me and wanted to share it with you all. my mom has always told me growing up to not hold on to anything too tight, but keep everything with an open hands. i’ve had to do this more recently since having my little one. all of my dreams, my desire to travel, my big plans- i’ve had to hold with an open hand and surrender them over to the Lord and trust Him. even when it comes to photography, if i don’t keep an open hand with growing my little business, i find myself too easily distracted or discontent. i love this quote…
“when a woman has a kingdom heart, she has an active understanding of what matters most to the heart of God. she lives in the balance of passion and contentment. she learns to love well, give without regard to self, and forgive without hesitation. the woman with a kingdom heart may have a duffel bag full of possessions or enough treasures to fill a mansion, but she has learned to hold them with an open hand. hold everything with open hands. i don’t think we are ever allowed to grab hold of anything or anyone as though they matter more than the kingdom of heaven. when you hold relationships with open hands, then people come in and out of your life as gifts of grace to be cherished and enjoyed, not objects to be owned and manipulated. and then when you hold your dreams with open hands, you get to watch God resurrect what seemed dead and multiply what seemed small.”-uknown
Love that quote! =D
Wow. That’s beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing, Arielle! :)
you’re pretty and i love that quote too!
What a great quote. I’ve never heard of the ‘open hand’ concept before and think it’s great (and so true) Thanks for sharing it. :)
Emily w/Amazing Grapes
This is true! And exciting! God’s plan is ALWAYS grander than ours anyway :)
Bless you & your beautiful heart!
Nice! Interesting that in my devotions this morning I read, “Diligence is man’s precious possession” (Proverbs 12:27). =)
that is awesome yolanda! i love that verse :)
So you were listening all that time?! Just kiddin with ya :) I love that quote too! So very true. With all the changes going on, I am still having to remind myself of the open hand concept even more. Whether you have little or alot, dreams or expectations- or are focusing on relationships- keeping our focus on the eternal is of utmost importance. Things, people, dreams come and go with no warning. We dont want to have our joy and happiness based on those things or we are in for a big fall. So proud of you! Love you, Mom
What a beautiful quote! I need this everyday. Thanks for sharing. :)
beautiful. <3 listen to the song open hands by matt papa..
oh i LOVE this quote! thank you for sharing:)
thanks for sharing.. those are wonderful words and inspiring words
That quote is absolutely incredible. thanks for sharing lovely.
Thank you for posting those words of wisdom. I hold so tightly to the people I care about, worrying that the Lord will unexpectedly snatch them away. How is that faith?
Beautiful quote! =)
i feel the exact same way.
I LOVE your outlook!!! So inspiring girly!
A quote I needed to read so badly. Thanks, lady :)
This is a great quote to live by… and very very true! I love the idea of open-handed living… Never thought of it that way. =)
What a beautiful quote and a wonderful reminder. Our lesson yesterday morning was on being content and not hold onto the things of this world. It was something I needed to be reminded of. I don’t want to be sucked into the world because this world is not my home. I’m just a passing through.
Just discovered your sweet blog, and I am so inspired! So beautiful, in so many ways! xo
i love that quote. thank you so much for sharing!
So glad you shared that AMAZING quote…it’s exactly what my heart needed to hear tonight!
That is so beautiful. I’m praying for a kingdom heart with open hands. Thank you
So glad I found your blog – such a beautiful quote!
Looking forward to following x
Wow. I’m in tears reading this quote. It’s exactly what I needed to hear this morning!
Love your blog! Found you from Casey Wiegand’s blog. New follower, for sure!
God bless!
That is a beautiful quote. I absolutely love it. Our lives are definitely in the Lord’s hands.
Love this!!
Love that quote! What a great reminder. :)
Gosh, I love that quote… hits home. And your blog is lovely!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful quote. I think I’m going to pass along the beauty of it on my blog…of course with full credit to finding it here! Have a great weekend!
It’s so hard for me to keep my hands open… I always want to have control!
That’s a beautiful quote, thanks for sharing. It’s definitely something I need to work on.
Love that quote!
I happened across this post purely by the grace of God using a Google search to speak to my heart. I was trying to remember a different quote about holding things with an open hand but God knew this was what I really needed. Thank you for your vulnerability and for sharing this quote and bit of your story months ago so that I could find it today. God is good all the time.