Yesterday I started packing up the office (soon to be nursery) and putting away some photography things. The canvases that I wanted to hang. The nice and “pretty” office space I had made for myself. And then we started talking about moving my “nice” furniture out of our sunroom (eeek! my favorite part of our house) so that we could make room for a play room. That room was one I really didn’t want to change but with the toys slowly piling up, it just made sense. Slowly changing the nice parts of the house that I loved into areas that are more practical, I guess. Not exactly what I had in mind but I’m finding this to be happening more often than not….bending, being flexible, and surrendering. All for good, of course :) It’s just a different season….of laying down expectations….even expectations of what our house should look like or the way I’d want them to look like. Maybe I’ll put those house decorating magazines on the shelves for a few more years and just enjoy this time living and making things useful for our growing family. To everything there is a season.
Naomi Elle says
I’m getting ready to do the same thing… rearrange the office to make it more useful for the season we are in now. For me, that means moving around furniture to accommodate long study nights for my husband and me being nearby. I don’t mind taking down the large canvases & inspiration boards because it has reminded me of my higher calling — to be a wife. Not just a good photographer. :) And to make my everyday life beautiful.
May you have grace for these seasons!
Becky H. says
Oh girl, this is something I’ve been trying to embrace for the last few months. The seasons of change in motherhood are so so so difficult. Just today I had yet another talk with God about it. . . but it’s such a blessing to know that our sacrifices for our children are not in vain.
arielle says
Yes…amen! I totally agree. Some seasons of change are difficult but the sacrifices aren’t in vain…so very true. Thank you for the encouragement! :)
Chetreanna says
“bending, being flexible, and surrendering. All for good, of course :)”
Hey girl! Congratz on the pregnancy. These few words really impacted my heart because they are exactly what I feel life has consisted of for me this year. I am grateful because of what it produces but feeling worn very thin because I am just realizing i have no right to make things comfortable knowing I serve a God who not only lived an uncomfortable life but is always moving and doing new things and sometimes my comfort is compromised by His newness and change. all one big learning experience I suppose.
blessed by you as always :)
Holly says
i really believe there should be a compromise to life. If you play around enough, you may be able to figure out a way to fit both.
Laura says
Our house is for sale for a few reasons, but one being space. We have found ourselves shifting things around in ways we don’t really WANT to because of the same reasons. They weren’t kidding about these kids taking over, huh? ;)
Ashley S. says
Ah, yes. you never fail to encourage me! I want to embrace life and not hold on too tightly to what I “want” it to be.