this little video will only take about three minutes of your time…
it blessed me tonight and i hope it blesses you too. i would write more but jay is at a basketball game, and
leland is being a fussy little guy so i must go make more entertaining noises with him & try to get him to smile :)
but i’ll leave you with this video…
DondreaB says
Hi Arielle,
I’m a new subscriber to your blog. Just wanted to let you know that my heart is warmed with every new post from you. Such a sweet and kind spirit. Also, I truly enjoyed today’s post and video. It’s so very true … especially the part about setting aside time for wordly things and not giving your best time to Jesus Christ. This will definitely become something that I reevaluate in my own life in the coming weeks. Thank you for sharing.
MommyGates says
I must say I love reading your blog, and seeing your pictures. I love taking pictures mostly of nature and my baby but I dont have a very good camera and am saving up for a really nice one. I was just wondering if you had tips on what kind of camera/lens you recommend??
Kristin says
Thank you so much for posting this, Arielle! It definitely has given me food for thought, and from the video I found the Set Apart Girl website. Talk about challenging! I’ve been flipping through the magazine and am really impressed by what I’m seeing.
Krysten says
Wow very cool. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and for posting this!
chelsea says
this is so good.