This monday morning was just one of those rainy monday mornings that I absolutely love. Although I have been enjoying the summer weather we’ve been having- I love when it rains in the summer. It means slowing down, not having the feeling of having to be outside, and taking time to be still. Leland wanted to read his books this morning and is in love with making animal sounds- haha! He walks around saying “meow” now- ah! Definitely gonna have to teach him a new word or two ASAP! Anyway, did you have anything exciting happen over the weekend? I have so many photos that I need to go through and start organizing so that I can share them on here! It’s been keeping me busy so hopefully I can do that soon. Have a beautiful day!
Yea for rainy days! We’ve had a relaxing stormy day here as well =) You’ve captured some awesome shots there!
So precious, Arielle! And yes, I love those lazy, rainy days, and the stillness to life they can bring, too! We’re overcast today, no raindrops have fallen yet, and we are in need of a good soaking around here! So I take it you have a cat (?), that is, if Leland is saying ‘meow’!! :) I love how they make up their own little words for things … I remember our son at that age loving balloons, and saying ‘boo-lee-o’ all the time! Lol! That was his word for them, anyway!! :) I wrote lots of things down, so I wouldn’t forget as the years passed! Love your beautiful images, too! Always look forward to seeing what you share! You all have a blessed and wonderful week!!
Nothing sweeter than playing inside with a baby boy! I love your beautiful photography, but even more your heart for Jesus and motherhood. Thanks for the inspiration.
these pictures? melt my heart! so precious. priceless. you two looked like you were having so much fun! :) ♥
Love his laughing one. And sounds like you’re raising him up right, wanting to read. ;)
My weekend was both dull and fun…I like dull, hence the ‘fun’ I got from it. haha
Emily at Amazing Grapes
I really love your blog :) Its very cute and super refreshing! Thanks so much for sharing!
Oh, your pictures… Breathtaking.
Every single one of your posts=SPECTACULAR. I always look forward to them. :)
Leeland is so cute and I love seeing him smile and giggle! You look like such a good mommy. :)
I love your family….even though I’ve only seen them through this blog! :)
Your faithful blog reader,
Mattea Ruth
these pics are amazing… but that baby boy is BEYOND adorable! ahh so cute!!
this post has to be one of my favorites. it just has to be
Arielle, I found your blog through Wonderfully Made and I love it! Thanks for your inspiring words, and I’m excited to read more!
Really sweet and beautiful photos!:)
Beautiful photos as always. I wish Kaylee would sit still when I read to her:D i do enjoy a nice rainy day to sit back and no nothing, not even cleaning!
[laughs] When Leala saw the picture of the teacup she pointed to it and said, “I want coff-ee.” She did sneak a sip of my McCafe caramel frappe once! I imagine that we’re going to enjoy coffee dates when she’s old enough.
We had a rainy day recently too which isn’t typical for this time of year in Southern California. I enjoyed it as well.
This weekend, Saturday in particular, I took my girls to a baby shower while my husband was at work, then when he got off, we headed to our good friends’ wedding. Their love story is one of those God-written ones; one of those ones where they waited for each other, where God brought them together, and they reaped the blessings of doing things His way. It was SO simple and sweet! [laughs] And they both wore Tom’s (I haven’t seen that at a wedding yet). You would have liked the decor. It was vintage-style for sure!
These are SUCH beautiful photos!!! Love them :)
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