My life lately has consisted of naps, editing of course, playing cars and trucks with Leland, picking up, not really cooking dinner, more naps, and more picking up. Oh, and did I mention naps? ;) But really, my life has been what I feel like so extremely ordinary lately. Not that it’s supposed to be glamorous or anything- ha! I’m so very thankful to stay at home but you know, sometimes it’s just easy to get discouraged. My days are full of picking up and playing trucks and cars but I think that there is more to them, too. I love this little quote written by Nancy Campbell:
“Do you sometimes hanker to do some great work for God? You feel as though you are wasting your life in your home. You would love to serve the Lord in some harvest field. Yes, it’s true, the harvest is great and the laborers are few. But why are they few? Because mothers have not understood God’s purpose.
Are you looking for an easy path or do you have a heart to serve God as a missionary? Dear mother, you are already a missionary…. You are employed by God to train laborers for His harvest field. You do not raise children then send them to Bible College to prepare them for service. You train them for God’s service from the time they are little. They should be ready to labor in the harvest field when they come forth from your home.
Is a missionary’s work easy? No, it takes sacrifice. Is motherhood easy? No, but it is eternally worthwhile. It takes everything you’ve got- all your resources of time, energy, and strength- but you will influence nations. It takes sacrifice- many mothering days are exhausting and overwhelming- but you will receive the fruit of your labors and an eternal reward. It will take committed prayer and intercession, but your prayers will be answered.”
….amen and amen. That is such an awesome encouragement for me right now. To know that these days I have while Leland is small are short and I am doing something, not just playing trucks and cars with him ;) Of course, I want to have an influence outside of our home and family but it starts here. It takes sacrifice, it takes patience (lots!!) but it will be eternally worthwhile. My mission field isn’t in a foreign country right now, but where I’m at…where God has placed me, here and now.
Katrina says
Thank you for sharing this quote! I’m not yet a mother but I now fully understand the sacrifices my mom did for us. And I too am discouraged because my job right now entails staying at home all the time and taking care of my little cousins, but it’s good to know that even with this, God is teaching me something and allowing me to do great things in small ways. :) God bless, Arielle!
Elisha says
Very good perspective! (: Something to take to heart..
Also, I love your skirt! Haha.
Très bien says
I love that quote! So encouraging when you feel like you live life in the mundane. Thanks for sharing!!
Emily grapes says
I like this a lot. I was talking with a single guy who had a similar conversation with his (guy) friend about what God’s calling him to do in missions, and his friend pointed out that instead of going somewhere and being a missionary to others, maybe God’s calling him to start a family and be a ‘missionary’ to them. (the guy had a rough upbringing). That his calling was to be a Dad.
I’m sure it can be easy to lose sight of God’s calling to be “just” the mom (or the Dad), especially in the mundane days but how awesome is it that that’s His purpose for
Emily at Amazing Grapes
Zoe Rose says
This is so easy to forget but so true! Hoping all the little moments add up to bring Phoebe closer to God, and through my weakness show His greatness! xx
Ash says
amen! truly you are such a beautiful example of motherhood, a calling over woman’s lives everywhere. You inspire me Arielle.
Savannah Garcia says
Thank you for this today… such a great reminder of the blessing of motherhood that can be easily overlooked after so many “ordinary” days.
jhen.stark says
Love this! Love it! I was reading Radical over again and this time from the eyes of a mother and a little story shared in it hit me so hard…
“Ling said to me, ‘I have told my family that I will likely never come back home. I am going to hard places to make the gospel known, and it is possible that I will lose my life in the process.’
Shan added, ‘But our families understand. Our moms and dads have been in prison for their faith, and they have taught us that Jesus is worthy of all our devotion.'”
I realized that I have such an urgent job as a mother- to teach my child that Jesus is worthy of all her devotion in life! And that is what “making disciples” is all about! LOVE IT.
Thanks for the post Arielle!
Jessica says
absolutely love this. thanks for sharing.
Bethany Myers says
I needed that quote today. Thanks for sharing!
Melody says
Such encouragement–thank you so much for sharing! I’ve enjoyed seeing your photography as I recently found your website :)
Beth says
I remember feeling exactly what you are feeling!!! I had 2 small children and everything I always wanted but I found myself restless. 5 years later I have 7 children 7 and under, 2 adopted with attachment issues and a ministry supporting adoptive parents and preventing neglect in high risk mothers…never saw that coming:) I absolutely adore your heart for the Lord!
Nikki mata says
I love your blog and I love this word! I forwarded this to a friend of mine who is raising two amazing children that love the Lord and she herself is a full-time mommy… A wonderful one:) thank you for your boldness:) I hope you know that your words have spoken so much to me personally as an avid reader of this blog:)
kristin says
Goodness! I needed to read this today. Love those words about how mamas are missionaries to their littles. Although some days are {mighty} long, it’s all worth it in the end. Thank you for this!
By the way, I adore your clothes! Love, love.
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