My dream is not photography, it’s not fame nor fortune. My dream is not to make it to the top or be applauded for my accomplishments. Although it is easy to fall into thinking that’s the better way…it’s not my goal, and it shouldn’t be my aim. Don’t get me wrong, I love photography and will continue pursuing it. However, after being a child of God- glorifying Him with my life- and being a good wife (yea, yea….proverbs 31), my next dream and aim is to be the best mom I can be for my little boy.
“But!”…you say. “…It doesn’t make good money..” “It is not seen as ‘important’ in the eyes of man as many other jobs.” And my response? The Lord sees not as man sees. My photography, my small business, my nightly sessions of working and editing and emailing…all of that will fade away. It means very, very little in the eyes of God. But the way I train Leland…the way I give him my full attention during the day and show him Jesus….now that will last. That will last for generations to come. So today, I am not fixating on my dream of becoming someone but on becoming what God has called me to be. For now, that is to love my husband and child and put most of my energy into that. I believe the Lord will reward that. So if emails don’t get sent today and pictures don’t get edited….it will all be okay. Because it meant I spent that time with my son, who is more important than any email or photo. Today, I lay my dreams in God’s hands, trust Him, and press on toward the goal.
Sarah says
That is truly a beautiful dream! You are a wonderful mom, I can tell! :)
Stacey says
I think you have your priorities completely in the right place. When I have kids (hopefully one day) I will make their needs above anything else. You’re a great mum :-)
Ashley says
amen. This is my heart’s cry as well! I’m so grateful for you, you’re such an example to me.
jennifer blair says
Your heart is so beautiful friend. This has been on my heart and mind a lot lately too. :) There is one primary thing – Jesus, His calling and all the rest is secondary.
Gaby says
Sigh, this makes me want to be a mother… x
Ashley says
Thank you for this today. It’s easy to get caught up in my to-do list and let my kids just be kind of on their own for the day. Don’t get me wrong, balance is super important (especially when you have more than one and there are things that HAVE to get done) but I’m encouraged by you to remember to be purposeful in all of my interactions with my littles. xo!
Heather says
awww! thank you so much for this! since i’m due in only 10 weeks, i’ve really been struggling with the whole “why do i blog? will it matter when she’s here? do i really want to distract myself from her?” i love this post. you’re so right! xo
Deborah says
How encouraging are these words to me, {even though our boy is grown}, and to all the other moms out there, Arielle!! This so warmed my heart! You are a light to those who may have their priorities out of order … it is all about what He has called us to be … His will for our lives, and not our own! How many hearts you will touch with this truth! You are indeed a blessing, my friend! Dream on!! :)
P.S. Love, love, love this photo!!
Kenna says
Lets be friends. :)
Becky H. says
LOVE this post! Thank you for sharing these thoughts. So encouraging!
Debby Messner says
Amen. (I saw that someone else said that but that was the first word I thought of. I was a stay at home mom that truly enjoyed every minute of it. We had three birth children. Later when I started back to work we adopted a homeless little boy that came to the day care where I worked. We are now getting closer to retirement. We have talked about how much better off we would have been if I had had a career and not just a little job here or there as the kids grew up. 9Our kids now are 40-37-34-26. Bt even my husband says, he wouldn’t have changed a thing. Our birth children are wonderful spouses and parents and have been successful. Now our adopted soon still needs some tweaking but he is doing much better than anyone every thought he would. So cheers to you.
Christina says
yes, yes, and amen!
I hold a 4 year degree from a very good school…I opted to stay home I feel that making sacrifices and living on a budget, for me, was far more important than the second income.
I can always work…I won’t get another chance to raise my children :)
Nicole says
I feel the same way! x
Breanna says
Such a sweet post!! <3
nclg says
Family. :)
Cindy says
arielle, you are absolutely lovely! I wish there were more people in the world like you. Your children are lucky to have a mom like you.
Traci says
beautifully said. you have the perfect dream!!
Mattea R. says
That’s the BEST goal! Thank you for sharing this. You’re my role model and I love reading your blog all the time. Leland is blessed to have such a talented and godly mother. :)
jhen.stark says
Amen Sister!
Erin says
How refreshing! It’s nice to see a woman who really wants to serve God. He gives us our passions for a reason, though, and I’m confident you can still be used through photography. Kudos to you for putting Jesus and your son first! :)
Gillian says
this is beautiful. thank you.
Mary says
This is so beautiful and true. Thank you for encouragement. I dream of having babies and hopefully being able to stay at home and show them Jesus. Needed to hear this today!
Everyone has different dreams, and they are all valid! I just know you will be (and already are) a wonderful mother!
Laura says
I love this SO much! I’m not a mommy yet, but I cannot wait to be and I love your words :)